We ask you to be kind enough to complete the following requirements form, in order to prepare a customized quote for you. Even if you do not know some of the data, we ask you to complete as many items as possible, to allow us to obtain complete information about your needs. *Required information Municipality / Company: * Main activity of the company* City, State and Country: * Name: * Phone: * E-mail: * Geographical location where the plant will be installed: Instrument intended for purchase (check where applicable) Public tenderPrice contestDirect purchaseOthers Funding planned for the project (check where applicable) National / International organization loanBank financingOwn fundsOthers Desired plant type (check where applicable): Intensive in mechanizationLabor intensive Number of inhabitants it will serve: * Amount of daily waste to process: * Number of daily shifts the plant can work:* Origin of waste (check where applicable): General home collectionHome selective differentiated collectionIndustrial special collectionOthers Composition of waste (in percentage): Need for processing branches and pruning residues (check where applicable): It is not requiredA device is required for Mobile useEquipment is required for Fixed use in the plant Maximum diameter of branches to crush: It is not requiredUp to 20 cm.Up to 25 cm.Up to 30 cm.More than 30 cm. Destination of the material not selected (check where applicable): It is not requiredDirect to landfill without treatmentAerobic Composting TreatmentTreatment by anaerobic digester Other data that you deem relevant: Request for MSW